Find all of our ubcimpocus tutorials here, from our basic cardiac series to VEXUS for venous congestion; from pitfalls of lung ultrasound to Doppler principles.

Ultrasound basics and Doppler

Principles of Doppler Ultrasound

Learn the principles of Doppler ultrasound in this 20-minute screencast. This tutorial covers basic ultrasound physics, different Doppler modes, and multiple examples from various POCUS applications.

Vascular Ultrasound


Learn the ins and outs of the JVP with ultrasound! In this detailed 40 minute overview, Dr. Arishenkoff goes over the anatomy of the jugular vein, image acquisition pearls, and interpretation of the results.


Learn to become a master of IVC PoCUS! In this 60 minute screencast, Dr. Arishenkoff runs through the anatomy of the IVC, applications of IVC PoCUS, acquisition of views, and how to interpret your findings.

Lung Ultrasound

Lung ultrasound image acquisition

Lung ultrasound is a game-changing tool in the evaluation of respiratory pathology and should be part of every POCUS user’s arsenal. Learn how to acquire high-quality LUS images in this 25-minute screencast from Dr. Katie Wiskar.

Pitfalls of lung ultrasound

This 15-minute screencast reviews common mistakes in lung ultrasound image acquisition, interpretation, and clinical integration. It aims to sharpen your lung POCUS skills and help you unlock the true potential of this powerful diagnostic modality.


Lung Ultrasound for Interstitial Syndromes

B lines can be more than just pulmonary edema! Learn about the nuances of lung ultrasound for interstitial syndromes in this 15 minute video.


Basic cardiac series

Acquiring basic cardiac views

Join ubcimpocus fellow Dr Ziran Meng as he walks through the 4 basic cardiac views, and goes over how to acquire and troubleshoot these images.


LV systolic function

Learn how to use Point-of-Care Ultrasound to estimate left ventricular systolic function, and review the evidence behind this technique, in this 16-minute screencast.


Basic RV assessment

In this 20-minute screencast, learn how to assess the right ventricle with basic cardiac POCUS - including RV size, function, septal kinetics, and other markers of pathology.


Basic valve evaluation

Here we cover basic cardiac POCUS evaluation of valvular disease. This include 2D evaluation for morphologic clues to diseases such as endocarditis and severe stenosis; and the use of Colour Doppler to identify severe regurgitation.


Pericardial effusions and tamponade

Learn how to use POCUS to evaluate pericardial effusions and detect cardiac tamponade in this 21-minute screencast. This video covers basic 2D POCUS techniques for pericardial effusions; and also debunks some common myths surrounding tamponade.


Advanced cardiac topics

POCUS estimation of cardiac output

Learn the rationale and technique for estimating stroke volume and cardiac output using Point-of-Care Ultrasound. If you take care of acutely unwell patients, this is an invaluable POCUS skill!


Aortic stenosis vs sclerosis

A short tutorial outlining the ultrasound approach to distinguishing aortic stenosis from aortic sclerosis using POCUS and spectral Doppler.



Solid organ Doppler for venous congestion

In this 15-minute video, we cover an introduction to solid organ Doppler assessment of venous congestion - the cool new kid on the POCUS block when it comes to volume status.


Volume Status Primer

How should we approach the never-ending question of "volume status"? In this 20-minute video, Dr. Katie Wiskar reviews key physiologic principles and common misconceptions, and discusses how various POCUS applications can help us answer this ubiquitous clinical question.