GEneral principles
Only consider POCUS if it has the potential to significantly alter care
Novices should not be using POCUS at this time
Stringent infection control precautions must be used
Indications for POCUS
Indications for POCUS in COVID-19
Procedural guidance (particularly thoracentesis and line insertion)
To evaluate for a possible alternative diagnosis (ie heart failure)
To monitor progression of severely ill patients, if the information will change management
To avoid the risks of transmission associated with radiology studies (CT, Echo)
Situations NOT to use POCUS
Educational scans
To assess progressive hypoxia in a patient with known COVID if no other diagnosis is suspected and it will not change management
As a diagnostic modality in patients who have already received a definitive test (RT-PCR)
POCUS machines and providers
POCUS providers
Novice users should not be performing scans on potential COVID patients
If possible, perform POCUS under the guidance of one of the POCUS faculty
Be sure to save all clips (4-6s) for faculty review and future clinical comparison
If there are questions about the role of POCUS in a COVID patient, please contact Dr Katie Wiskar (VGH) or Dr Barry Chan (SPH) from 0800-1700
POCUS machines
Scans should be done with dedicated COVID machines
SPH: COVID ward machine
VGH: Butterfly (new) - please contact Dr Katie Wiskar to obtain access to this machine
Infection Control Procedures
Do not bring any extra equipment (towels, gel bottles, etc) into the room
Use only single-use sterile gel packets
Do not use POCUS during aerosol-generating procedures
Work with your supervising POCUS faculty to ensure that you are following appropriate infection control procedures specific to your machine
Be clear on your protocol for cleaning/distinfecting the machine and how you are integrating this with donning/doffing before you scan
As appropriate, make use of sterile probe covers
Clean visibly soiled areas before disinfecting
Disinfect all machine surfaces with Caviwipes. Allow to dry completely before next use.
If an anteroom is available, machine disinfection should occur here. If not, machine should be cleaned and disinfected prior to exiting the patient room.